Hi, my name is Shaunté Symone (TaeSym) and I want to share with you my 5 C's of learning to code!

But before we jump in, I have some advice on learning how to learn!

Most of us were never taught the best way to learn. We were taught to read, and take notes, and highlight, and read, and read some more. The truth is, reading and re-reading notes is classed as an ineffective, time-consuming study technique that does little to significantly improve memory retention and academic performance. This method helps us recognize information, not remember it.

so....now what?

Here are two techniques that will allow you to learn anything more effectively

Active Recall

Active recall is a study method that flips the original way of learning on its head. Traditionally, students learn by trying to put information into their brains. With active recall, you learn by retrieving information from your brain.

Active recall is about taking questions not notes. It involves creating questions based on the topic you wish to learn, and then repeatedly testing yourself on those questions. By forcing your brain to retrieve the information, it ensures that you actively learn it instead of passively reading it.

Not only are you significantly more likely to remember the information, active recall makes you acutely aware of topics that you don't yet understand and that require additional attention.

Video on Active Recall can also be found here

Spaced Repetition

Studying a textbook is like exercising your brain. But when we study, we tend to try to cram all of our studying into one day instead of spacing it out over time—doing an all-nighter study session the day before an exam is essentially the same as trying to run thousands of miles the day before a marathon. It simply doesn't work.

Spaced repetition involves reviewing and recalling information at optimal spacing intervals until the information is learned at a sufficient level. This technique helps your brain remember more information as it keeps the material fresh in your mind and forces you to use active recall.

Click here to create your own Anki flashcards, with built in spaced repetition intervals! (available on Web, PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone, and Android)

Video on Spaced Repetition can also be found here

The 5 C's For Learning How to Code (or learning anything really!)


Don't give up! Seriously! Little steps, day by day take you to the finish line. Find ways to stay motivated, but even more important, to stay disciplined. If learning code is important to you, commit and see it through!


Turn confusion into curiosity to find clarity and comfort. Don't be afraid to break things (but make sure you make backups!). Ask questions, ask Google, as ChatGPT. Explore every question or problem with a curious mind!


Learn how to manage your frustration. You won't know it all. Make sure you find ways to mitigate those negative feelings that inevitably come with not being an expert. Here's a great Pomodoro timer to make sure you get in some breaks while working!


Don't forget to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. You can not pour into anything if you're capacity is running on empty. Remember you come first!


Lean on others, Learn from others. Whatever you're trying to learn, whatever you're going through personally, there's someone else who has already been through it. Remember to reach out to your professional and personal community when you need some support. Communication and collaboration is what it's all about!